Activity Centre

Avenida Oeste 29 bajo, 03709 La Xara (next door to the Tabac)
634 345 014
The main purposes of the Activity Centre are:-
To provide a community resource for use by individuals, organisations, clubs, U3A groups or other charities and for use with existing "HELP" activities such as "Forget me Not" Alzheimer's Respite Care Club, Parkinson's Support Group, Dance and Yoga classes etc.
If you wish to make use of our facilities please contact the Activity Centre co-ordinator to make a booking, or look at the Activity Diary below:- Click on the tab at the top of the calendar to consult in weekly, monthly or agenda view. When you click on an event, you can see its details and you have the option to copy it into your personal Google calendar.
You should always check with the Activity Centre co-ordinator because last-minute changes may not yet be reflected in the calendar.