About us

Who are we?
"HELP" of Marina Alta is a charity (Reg No 3706) which began in 1984 and is manned entirely by volunteers.
What do we do?
- Provide advice, assistance and support to those in need.
- Provide neighbourly assistance to people who are ill, disabled or housebound.
- Provide a range of medical and home nursing equipment for short term use.
- Provide a "HELP" desk and Interpreters at Denia Hospital.
- Support individual carers of family members, by providing them with some respite.
WE CANNOT make financial grants to individuals
WE DO NOT advise on legal, financial or property matters.
WE DO NOT provide continuing care to the chronically ill over extended periods and we are not a substitute for professional nurses or Social Services.
We work in conjunction with other charities, organisations and HELPs in the Marina Alta to give assistance wherever needed.
When do we meet?
An Executive Committee meets regularly to review existing and identify new activities; and also to monitor income and expenditure.
An Annual General Meeting is normally held in March of each year. Only members of “HELP” of Marina Alta are eligible to attend.
A Volunteers Meeting is normally held in October each year, and this is open to both members and guests.